Mom is On My Writing Challenge!
I’ve got great news! My mom, who is 81 years young, has decided that she is going to keep up with me and my writing challenge! The worst thing about this pandemic is how scared it has got people. Especially […]
More On Mom

I’ve got great news! My mom, who is 81 years young, has decided that she is going to keep up with me and my writing challenge!
The worst thing about this pandemic is how scared it has got people. Especially older people – and those of us with underlying health conditions. It has mom so scared that she has been locked inside her house in Scottsdale since last March, with very few visits to the outside world. My dad has been there and still helping out all the “little old ladies” in the neighborhood with honey dos and in reality has helped keep mom alive.
They usually have many visitors throughout the year, but this year, I was the first visitor from the outside world for awhile. My daughter Jacqueline, her mom, Baba and Jackie’s brother all visited for one meal – but stayed elsewhere and didn’t even go to their house.
Any way, while I was in Scottsdale, I set up Mom and Dad with a old/new Mac Pro I rebuilt. I’m not sure if they are going to use it a lot and it may be different from the Windows laptop that they are used to using – but I figured it could be good for their brains to learn and use the new system. I’ll probably go back for another week as soon as they get their Covid-19 vaccines …
Before I left, I challenged Mom to write a little bit daily to help keep her mind working. Her hand still hurts after a recent carpal tunnel surgery and the other one needs it, so she is writing mostly speech to text I think – and only a commitment of a sentence or two a day. But it is a start to building a real habit – a good habit. A habit that will keep her thinking.
Now if she can keep getting in the habit of going for her daily walks …